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iService User Guide

workflow-panel-iconThere are two types of panels in a workflow: Submit Panels and Answer Panels. Submission panels are used to capture information, such as a customer question. They usually include a single Submit button that does things like create a ticket and send a notification. These submission panels can be created for customer or agent use, depending on your use case. Agent submit panels can be included directly in the left navigation menu for convenient agent access. Agent submit forms also support direct assignment of tickets to an agent.


Answer panels are replacements for the standard answer panel shown in the action mode for an interaction (i.e., when answering an unresolved question). For example, purchase order requests may need to be approved or rejected before they are submitted to procurement. To simplify the process, you can provide a simple answer panel with an Approve and Reject button that automates the required actions.


Creating an approval answer menu

Creating an approval answer menu


You can create an unlimited number of panels within your workflow. The settings for each panel are contained within an accordion style element that can be collapsed or expanded. The type of panel and details, such as the URL for the submission or topic that triggers the answer panel, are included within the panel name.


Click to expand image

Workflow Panel Examples


Submission Panels


Customer and Agent submission panels are web forms that are submitted to create tickets or post data for processing. The primary difference between customer and agent submission forms is that only agent forms allow the user to assign questions to agents. Agent forms can also be included within the Custom Forms section of the left navigation panel for quick access by agents. Customer submit forms are displayed outside of the agent interface, such as within an iframe on your website or as a stand alone web page.


Submission forms have two primary sections: the form body and the form actions. The form body contains inputs for things like email address, subject line, and property values.  The form actions are tied to buttons on the page.


When you create a new Customer Submit Form, the following screen is shown.



Element Name



Enable Panel

Your form will be live as soon as you enable the panel.


Delete This Panel

You can review the panel from the workflow. Once it is deleted it cannot be recovered.


Form Name in URL

This value becomes part of the URL that is used to load the form. Use a value that is short and descriptive.


Frame Type

It's common to embed your submit form into a web page, like your company website. To include a form into an iframe you must specifically allow it to be embedded.


Not Allowed - the form will not load within an iframe.

Same Site - you can only embed the form into a page that has the same domain as your form. This would only be used to embed your form into a customer portal or other page that has the same domain as your iService tenant.

Any Site - use this setting to embed your form into a website with a different domain than your iService tenant.


Control List

Use these controls to build your form.


Click to expand image

An empty Customer Submit Form


tog_plus        Submit Form Actions




Answer Panels


iService provides a standard answer panel for working with unresolved questions (unassigned or queued to an agent). The standard panel includes buttons for answering, resolving, forwarding and modifying an interaction in various ways. However, there are use cases where you know the agent must take a specific action. In those cases you can provide a custom user interface to the agent that exactly fits their needs. For example, approval requests that must be approved or rejected can include two buttons: Approve Request and Reject Request.


Answer panels can be presented to agents based on two settings: tags and topics. Tags are values associated with an interaction, like a property, that are not displayed to agents. They cannot be edited or removed directly from the user interface. Tags must be added an interaction when it is created, either via a filter or directly on a submit form.


To add an answer panel to your workflow, click the Add Answer Panel button.


Adding an Answer Panel

Adding an Answer Panel


If your workflow has a tag value specified, you will see three options for triggering the panel: Tag, Topic, and Tag and Topic. The tag will limit the display of your custom answer panel to interactions that contain the tag value, regardless of the topic. For example, you might offer custom panels to agents that handle a form submission but use the standard panel for general questions that arrive into a topic.


Conditions for your custom answer panel

Conditions for your custom answer panel


Answer panels are created using the same process as Submission Panels. Create the structure for the page with HTML, buttons, and tabs. Then add inputs and actions to the panel as needed using the same method as submit panels shown above. The primary difference between submit forms and answer panels are the controls used on the page.


tog_plus        Answer Panel Actions


tog_plus        Answer Panel Controls



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