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iService Forms User Guide

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$Input -confirm

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[-confirm] - You can require the user to enter the value for an input box twice to confirm that it is entered correctly. The – confirm parameter is used to capture the second input and match it against the first input. A common example of this is to confirm that the user has entered the e-mail address correctly. the description entered for the – confirm parameter should exactly match the ID of the input that you are confirming. For example, if the -ID of the input for e-mail address is -id'email' then the value for this parameter would be -confirm'email'.


An example of confirmation for email address is shown below.

Email Address: $input -email -id'email' -required$<br />

Confirm Email Address: $input -email -id'emailconfirm' -confirm'email'$<br />


The second input, which is used to confirm the first entry, has its own unique -id value (-id'emailconfirm'). It uses the -confirm attribute to specify the input that it is confirming (-confirm'email').