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iService Forms User Guide

The value command is used for defining text to display within the form body. The options available depend upon the type of information being displayed. If there are no values to display then nothing will be displayed when the command is interpreted.


Values For The User Logged Into iService

If a user is logged into iService when using a form, the following commands can be used to display values about their identify.

  $value -loggedin(name)$ <- Displays the name of the user if logged in (or email is name is not known)

  $value -loggedin(contactid)$ <- Displays the contact ID of the user if logged in

  $value -loggedin(sessionid)$ <- Displays the session ID of the user if logged in


Values For The Form Itself

The -formID parameter is used to insert the ID of the current form into the form body. This is especially useful when you create a form or form component that you want to use in several places. Rather than hard code the ID of the form, simply insert $value -formID$ into your form body and it will be converted into the actual form ID number when the page is rendered.

  $value -formid$ <- Displays the ID of the form that is being displayed



Find Answers Values

Within the customized find answers page, the following are available.

Topics (requires a $repeat command)

  $value -topic(id)$ <- Displays the ID of the selected topic

  $value -topic(parentid)$ <- Displays the ID of the selected topic's parent

  $value -topic(name)$ <- Displays the name of the selected topic

  $value -topic(messagecount)$ <- Displays the number of unanswered questions in the selected topic

  $value -topic(segmentid)$ <- Displays the ID of the segment of the selected topic

  $value -topic(segmentname)$ <- Displays the name of the segment that the selected topic is in

  $value -topic(visibility)$ <- Displays whether the selected topic is public or private


Article Lists (requires a $repeat command)

  $value -articlelist(id)$ <- Displays the ID of the selected article

  $value -articlelist(subject)$ <- Displays the subject of the selected article

  $value -articlelist(date)$ <- Displays the date created of the selected article

  $value -articlelist(topicid)$ <- Displays the ID of topic of the selected article

  $value -articlelist(topicname)$ <- Displays the name of the topic that the selected article is in

  $value -articlelist(rating)$ <- Displays the average rating for the selected article

  $value -articlelist(viewcount)$ <- Displays the number of views of the selected article

  $value -articlelist(public)$ <- Displays whether the selected article is public or private


Article Details (note: you can select any name desired for the Pid of the article detail because it is an input from the form, or hard coded ID)

  $value -article(id) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the ID of the selected article

  $value -article(subject) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the subject of the selected article

  $value -article(date) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the date created of the selected article

  $value -article(question) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the question of the selected article

  $value -article(answer) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the answer of the selected article

  $value -article(public) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays whether the selected article is public or private

  $value -article(segmentid) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the ID of the selected article's segment

  $value -article(segmentname) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the name of the selected article's segment

  $value -article(topicid) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the ID of the topic of the selected article

  $value -article(topicname) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the name of the topic the selected article is in

  $value -article(viewcount) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the number of views of the selected article

  $value -article(rating) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the average rating for the selected article

  $value -article(myrating) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the rating of the selected article specified by the viewer

  $value -article(creatorname) -Pid'xx'$ <- Displays the name of the agent that created the selected article


 The following $value commands are used when displaying article details, but require their own $repeat parameter ($repeat -attachments -Pid'xx'$).


  $value -attachment(id)$ <- Displays the ID of the attachment(s)

  $value -attachment(name)$ <- Displays the name of the attachment(s)

  $value -attachment(ownerid)$ <- Displays the ID of the article that has the attachment(s)



My Account Subscriptions Values

Within the customized subscriptions page, the following are available.

List of Mailing Lists (requires a $repeat command)

  $value -myaccountlist(id)$ <- Displays the ID of the selected mailing list

  $value -myaccountlist(name)$ <- Displays the name of the selected mailing list

  $value -myaccountlist(description)$ <- Displays the description of the selected mailing list


List of Campaigns (requires a $repeat command)

  $value -myaccountcampaign(id)$ <- Displays the ID of the selected campaign

  $value -myaccountcampaign(name)$ <- Displays the name of the selected campaign

  $value -myaccountcampaign(description)$ <- Displays the description of the selected campaign


List of Find Answers Articles To Which The User Is Subscribed (requires a $repeat command)

  $value -myaccountarticle(id)$ <- Displays the ID of the selected find answers article

  $value -myaccountarticle(subject)$ <- Displays the subject of the selected find answers article

  $value -myaccountarticle(topic)$ <- Displays the topic of the selected find answers article