The Customer History Report lists the history for a specified customer (based on an email address or login entered on the report), grouped by Thread ID. It is designed to present an exportable or printable version of the history that can be easily customized to include any type of interaction.


Setup Required

There is no setup required. The report uses standard iService information.


Parameter Selection

Enter the customer email or login, the types of interactions to include, and the time frame for the report.

The interaction Types are as follows:

Agent E-Mails - These are emails sent by the agent to the customer that do not resolve an incoming question.

Agent Responses - These are agent responses to customer questions.

Ask A Question Forms - These are questions submitted by customers via an ask a question form.

Customer E-Mails - These are incoming questions received via email.

Mass Mailings - These are mass mailing messages sent to the customer.

Public Notes - These are agent notes designated as Public.

Private Notes  - These are agent notes designated as Private.

System Generated Messages - This category includes auto responses, agent notification, alert notices and other internal interactions generated by the iService system.

Tickets - These are tickets created by an agent on behalf of a customer.


Report Example

Customer History Report

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