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iService prioritizes the assignment of messages to agents based upon a calculated target response time. The target response time is based upon the time a message is received, plus any applicable service level that has been defined in the Admin Tools – Service Level page. Service levels are created in the service level tab, and are assigned to each segment from the Segment – Details tab and the Segment – Topics tab.


Service levels can be created based upon interaction or contact property values. Or, they can be created with no properties specified as shown in the example above. Service levels are assigned to incoming questions in one of four ways.

1. Default Segment Service Level – Each segment can have a default service level set on the Admin Tools – Segment – Details page. This type of service level typically does not include any property values.

2. Topic Service Level – Each topic can have its own service level. Topic service levels are typically used for urgent topics they need a response faster than the default segment service level.

3. Interaction Property Service Level - you might need to assign questions that have certain interaction property values ahead of other questions. For example, if you have an interaction property named priority, questions that have a value of urgent might require more rapid response.

4. Contact Property Service Level - if you use contact properties to identify your most important customers, you can use those values to set a target response time. For example, if you have a contact property named customer level, questions that come from contacts whose value is platinum might get the shorter response target.

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