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Only one message within the My Queue tab will be expanded for viewing.  Users can choose a message for editing by clicking on the blue title of the desired message under the My Message Inbox's subject heading.


Click to expand

Click to expand


The Message Details tab is comprised of 10 main sections:


1 – Message Inbox List. All messages assigned to the agent are displayed within their My Message Inbox List. The selected message is highlighted within the My Message Inbox list, and its details are shown in the panel below.

2 – Action Buttons. There are five main action buttons: Send, Forward, Save, Change Topic, and SPAM. These buttons are described in the Message Action Buttons section.

3 – Header Information. Message header information includes the ‘To:’ email address as well as the ‘CC’ and ‘BCC’ email addresses. Additional addresses can be included by separating them with a comma.  The subject can be modified if necessary.

4 – Attachments and Stock Responses.  Clicking the attachments link or stock responses button will expand this section to allow the inclusion of attachments and to display available pre-written phrases.

5 – Answer Body. The original question is shown, and the agent’s answer is typed into this box.

6 – Private Comments. Agents can enter comments that will never be seen by the contact. For instance, this could be an explanation of the actions taken that would not be appropriate to send the contact.  These are saved and viewable by other agents within Interaction History.

7 – Interaction Details. The details of the interaction, such as its segment and attachments, are displayed in this section.

8 – Interaction Properties (Question and Answer). Based on the topic, the customer may have provided additional information with their question. For instance, they may have indicated the type of browser they were using if they submit a technical support question. There is one set of Question properties associated with a message thread. Based on the topic, there may also be custom properties for the agent to complete. For instance, the agent may indicate whether their time is billable or how many minutes they spent providing the answer. These would be shown as Answer properties and are completed for every response.

9 – Variables and Stock Responses - Agents can use variables for contact and interaction properties (e.g., First Name or Account Number) to pull details from the customers account. Stock responses re pre-written responses that can be inserted into the answer to streamline the response process. You can filter the list of stock responses by typing into the Keyword Search box.

10 - Message Thread History.  This area can be expanded to show all interactions between the agent and the contact that are part of this conversation.


The Draft Body is the area for composing a response and includes a rich text editor for formatting your response. The Final Plain Text, and Final HTML are used to preview a message to ensure the variables and stock responses are properly formatted before sending the response.


If graphics or backgrounds are to be used, it is highly recommended that care be taken to ensure they are properly formed and tested across various email clients (Outlook, Yahoo, Gmail, etc.). Never paste rich text from MS Word directly into the rich text editor, because it will include custom formatting that only displays properly in Word.

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