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iService Forms User Guide

Navigation: Form Commands > $Value

$Value -alertitem

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Use the -alertitem parameter to display the details of an interaction within an alert auto response.


The following elements of an interaction can be displayed within the auto response.

ID - To display the interaction ID for the message, use $value -alertitem(id)$.

Date - To display the date the interaction was created in iService, use $value -alertitem(date)$.

Time - To display the time the interaction was created in iService, use $value -alertitem(id)$.

Agent - To display the iService agent currently assigned to the interaction, use $value -alertitem(agent)$.

Name - To display the name of the contact, use $value -alertitem(name)$.

Email - To display the email address of the cotnact, use $value -alertitem(email)$.

Subject - To display the subject line of the interaction, use $value -alertitem(subject)$.


The -alertitem parameter must be used within a $repeat command to generate the repeating list of values. A simple example of this command is as follows.

$repeat -alertitems$

     Date of Message: $value -alertitem(date)$

     Subject of Message: $value -alertitem(subject)$

     From: $value -alertitem(name)$



NOTE: When using this command within and HTML table, the $repeat command must be marked as a comment. Since it is embedded within an HTML table, your browser will remove the tag if it is not commented because placing it between a table parameter and row parameter is an invalid location for HTML code.


<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" align="left" width="100%">



     <th>Date of Original Msg</th>

     <th>Interaction ID</th>

     <th>Contact Name</th>

     <th>Contact Email</th>


     <th>Assigned Agent:</th>





   <!-- $repeat -alertitems$ -->


     <td>$value -alertitem(date)$ $value -alertitem(time)$</td>

<!--Edit the line below for your iService URL-->            

     <td><a href=";num=1&amp;where0=entire&amp;field0=ID&amp;s0=$value -alertitem(id)$">$value -alertitem(id)$</a></td>

     <td>$value -alertitem(name)$<br></td>

     <td>$value -alertitem(email)$</td>

     <td>$value -alertitem(subject)$</td>

     <td>$value -alertitem(agent)$</td>


  <!-- $endrepeat$  -->

