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iService User Guide

isurveylogo iSurvey leverages the simplicity and flexibility of iService forms to capture survey results in your iService database. It combines Interaction properties, custom forms, and outbound email capabilities to capture customer feedback and marketing insights. You can use any of the interaction property value types in your survey forms (lists, text input fields, text areas, dates, integers, or numbers), and distribute your surveys using iService mass mailings, agent responses, or one-off agent emails.


A quick way to get started with a survey is to begin requesting feedback on agent responses. You can do this by incorporating a feedback link into your standard response footer. By including the reference number in your link, iService will associate the feedback with the agent's response. This allows you to gain insights not only into overall service levels, but on an agent by agent basis.


In the example below, the survey link is integrated into an agent response as part of the signature.


An iSurvey feedback link

An iSurvey feedback link


Read more about the Feedback Reports in the business intelligence and reports section.






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