iService records every interaction with your contacts in the iService database. The Contact History page provides a convenient way to review your conversations with a particular contact. However, you may not always know which contact you're looking for or you might need to do a more detailed search than the history page supports. In those cases, use the Search Interactions page to locate the interaction. The Search Interactions page supports detailed criteria searches, a customizable search results table, and filtering of search results.
For performance purposes, the search only returns 2,500 interactions from the database. If your query returns more than 2,500 interactions the following alert will be displayed.
There are three drop-down boxes which can be configured for searching interaction history. They are Search Where, In Field, and Search For.
Search Where Options – This drop-down box allows the user to target how a match is made while searching. The default is anywhere within a field. The following options are available:
a.Anywhere - This parameter will look for a match on the search term anyplace within the field. For instance, the search term ‘ab’ will return a match for ‘absolute’ and ‘fabulous.’
b.Start - the start parameter will only look for matches at the beginning of the value. For instance, the search term ‘ab’ will return a match for ‘absolute’ but will not return ‘fabulous.’
c.End - The end parameter will only look for matches at the end of the value. For instance, the search term ‘ute’ will return a match for ‘absolute’ and ‘salute.’
d.Entire - The entire parameter requires an exact match on the full term. For instance, the search term ‘absolut’ will not return a match for ‘absolute.’
In Field Options - The "In Field" parameter tells iService which fields you are searching. The default options are:
a.Subject - Search among the subject lines of all interactions.
b.In Topic - Will present a view of the topic tree, and the search will be limited to the topic selected.
c.All Properties - Will search among all interaction properties that have been defined for the tenant, to which the agent has been granted access. In the example above, these would be Billable, Billable Minutes, and Use Code.
d.Interaction ID# - Will search for a specific interaction based on its interaction ID.
e.Assigned To* - Will search for interactions that are currently assigned to the agent selected. These parameters will return a list of agents within a drop down menu.
f.Resolved By* - Will search for interactions that were resolved by the agent selected. These parameters will return a list of agents within a drop down menu.
g.In Segment - Will search for interactions in the segment entered in the “Search For” box.
h.Agent Notes - Will search within the Agent Notes area of interactions.
i.Interaction Status - Will present a list of interaction statuses (Ignored, Private Note, Public Note, Queued, Resolved, etc.) and will search for interactions of a certain status.
j.Interaction Type - Will present a list of interaction types (Agent Email, Agent Notification, Agent Response, Alert , etc.) and will search for interactions of a certain type.
k.Contact Login (email) - You can search for history of a specific contact by entering their email or iService login in this field.
l.Interaction Body - Will search within the interaction bodies.
In addition to the above standard search fields, all interaction properties are available for searching.
Search For Options - In this field, the desired alpha-numeric word or words can be queried for the selected criteria. If this is left blank, it will act as a wild card and return all interaction with any value for the In Field search criteria selected.
Limit By Date Options
The search can be limited to a date range by clicking in the boxes and setting the date desired. Interaction searches use the Created Date rather than the Resolved Date for interactions.
Limit results to the first interaction of the each case
It's common to search subject lines for a reference number. However, a case may have dozens of interactions that are part of the case, including notifications and notes. Use this checkbox to return only the first interaction from the case. This search result gives you a list of cases instead of a list of all interactions.
Interaction search results are presented in a data table that you can modify, filter, and export.
iService interaction search results
Excel - you can export the search results table to an Excel file. Clicking this button will export the entire search result regardless of the pagination level you're using.
Column visibility - you can add or remove columns from the search results using this menu. The menu includes all custom interaction properties as well as the standard interaction properties.
Filter - Use the filter box to narrow the results displayed. The filter will match all rows in the search results regardless of the pagination level you're using.
Message search results can be viewed by simply clicking on + by the desired interaction. When you expand a row, iService will display the view mode for the interaction.
The options available will vary depending on the type of interaction and its status. Questions that are Unassigned will include a "Get This" link if you have the rights to take it. If the message is already assigned to you, an "Answer" button will appear instead of "Get This".