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iService User Guide

Navigation: Managing Work Queues

Logged In Chat Agents

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It's important to know how many agents are available to handle customer chat requests. While the Manage Chats page provides details on the number of agents available per topic, it does not indicate how many agents are unavailable that could come online for helping with chats. The Logged in Chat Agents page shows allow agent with the chat access right, regardless of their current availability status. It also  provides an overview of the number of active and historical chats they've handled since the beginning of the day (i.e., midnight).


The Logged in Agents page lists all iService agents that have the Chat.Answer right that are logged into iService.


The Logged In Chat Agents page

The Logged In Chat Agents page


1) Available: This column shows the status of all chat agents that are logged in. Available agents are shown in green, and agents that have set their status to unavailable are shown in red.

2) Agent Name: The display name for the agent.

3) Assigned: The number of chats that are currently assigned to the agent.

4) Completed Today: The number of chats the agent has completed today (since midnight).

5) Today's Activity: This is a graphical representation of the assigned and completed to date columns.


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