iService prioritizes the assignment of messages to agents based upon a calculated target response time. The target response time is based upon the time a message is received, plus any applicable service level that is applicable. Service levels are assigned to each segment from the Segment – Details tab and the Segment – Topics tab. They can be created based upon interaction or contact property values. Or, they can be created with no properties specified as shown in the examples below.
Service levels are assigned to incoming questions in one of four ways.
Default Segment Service Level – Each segment can have a default service level set on the Admin Tools – Segment – Details page. This type of service level typically does not include any property values and sets in the lowest service level for all interactions in the segment. Use the other three service levels to adjust the target response time in relation to the default.
Topic Service Level – Each topic can have its own service level. Topic service levels are typically used for urgent topics that need a response faster than the default segment service level.
Interaction Property Service Level - you might need to assign questions that have certain interaction property values ahead of other questions in the same topic. For example, if you have an interaction property named priority, questions that have a value of urgent might require more rapid response. This allows you to adjust the routing priority of questions that are in the same topic.
Contact Property Service Level - if you use contact properties to identify your most important customers, you can use those values to set a target response time. For example, if you have a contact property named customer level, questions that come from contacts whose value is "Platinum" can get the shorter response target.
iService evaluates all of the available service levels to determine the actual priority. The question is given the highest priority based upon each of these four options. Here is an example of how this might work for two questions from the same contact.
Default - 120 minutes
Topic A - 90 minutes
Contact Property - 60 minutes
Interaction Property - 30 minutes
Scenario 1 - a question in Topic A from a contact that has the matching contact property would have a service level of 60 minutes.
Scenario 2 - a question from the same contact that has the interaction property on a question would have a service level of 30 minutes. But, their other questions would have a service level of 60 minutes.
Create and edit your service levels using the service-level tab within the settings menu. when you are creating a service level for topics, leave the contact and interaction property fields blank.
1.The name of the service level. This is displayed in the other pages of iService.
2.Designate the number of minutes to add to the creation time of an interaction to determine the target response time. Your service levels should be made in relation to each other, not for the desired response time. Service levels are used to adjust assignment through the get next process.
3.Provide a short description of the service level here.
4.If your service level is based on a contact or interaction property, select the type here. Otherwise leave this blank.
5.This section will update depending on whether you select interaction or contact property types. Select the property and then designate the value. If you have multiple values you will need to create multiple service levels. For example, if you have platinum gold and silver priorities and want a different level for each, you would need to make three separate service levels with the appropriate number of minutes for each.
6.Be sure to save your changes.
7.This page will list all the topics that are using the service level. You can remove the service level permit topics by clicking the red X.
8.Any segments that use this service level for their default will be listed here. In general, it's not logical to use contact or interaction properties for segment defaults since they only apply to specific contacts and interactions. You can remove the service level using the red X.
To set a default service level for a segment, select it on the Segment Details page. When using service levels it's important to set a segment default. Since the priorities are adjusted by adding time to the creation date, without a default setting your other questions will likely be considered lower priority than questions that don't obtain your topic or property service levels.
Contact property-based service levels don't require any configuration other than creating the service level itself. In the example above, a separate process would be used to set the value of Manager on the Windows Group contact property. This would be done via integration with another system, manually setting the value on the contact, or within the custom form that captured the question. Once the property value is set, iService will automatically assign this service level to any questions from that contact.
Interaction property-based service levels don't require any configuration other than creating the service level itself. In the example above, a separate process would be used to set the value of manager on the authorization type property. This would be done based on a filter or within a custom form that captures the question. Once the property value is set on the interaction, iService will automatically assign the related service level.